What is Quaker worship?
Our form of worship reflects the Quaker belief that direct experience of God is possible for everyone without any ritual or intermediary.
It reflects the trust that all who take part will strive sincerely, both in their silent worship and in their spoken ministry, to seek that inward communion.
We gather in the expectation that as we quiet our minds and open our hearts to the Divine Presence, we will be gathered in the spirit. We gradually learn to become still and, by grace, to listen to the Divine that lives within.
Quaker worship begins when the first person is seated in the Meeting room. There is no announcement. We sit quietly, turning inward toward the Light of God that is present in each one of us. If new to the silence, you may find yourself distracted by roving thoughts. Our practice is to not worry about them, but to turn again and again to the still centers of our beings.
Someone may rise and share a message coming to them out of the silence. When someone rises and shares a message aloud, they do so out of an intense feeling of being inwardly moved to do so. We call this vocal ministry.
"Live up to the light thou hast, and more will be granted thee."
- Caroline Fox, 1841
Those listening reflect silently on the meaning of the message in their own lives. Others may rise to share a message of their own. Sometimes the Meeting remains silent for the entire hour. We then welcome the sense of peace and strength that comes over the whole Meeting.
A few minutes before the end of the Meeting, someone may invite those gathered to share joys, concerns or requests for "Holding in the Light," which is prayer for a person or situation.
Meeting for Worship ends with the shaking of one another's hands.
This is followed by a welcoming of our guests. Feel free to introduce yourself if you are new or visiting. Announcements follow the welcome.
We conclude with a few moments of silence before a shared simple meal...something we look forward to doing after the pandemic.
Our lunch is always delicious, and open to all.
If you are visiting for the first time, we invite you to ask questions. Quaker Meeting is different from most worship services. We'd love to have the opportunity to get to know you.